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. ДЕТИ Turns 11 Years Old


February 26 the Cyrillic domain .ДЕТИ (dot DETI, which means “children”) turns 11 years old. The first website addresses in the domain were registered in 2014. Hundreds of websites dedicated mostly to teenagers and children, along with their parents and mentors, have been published since then.

The Catalog of the best resources with an address in .ДЕТИ is published on the official website of the domain. Currently, the Catalog contains about 150 resources of various topics and purposes. These are educational projects and applications, resources on safe use of the Internet, health and family leisure, online stores of children's goods and other commercial projects aimed at new Internet users, websites of kindergartens, schools, art centers, sports sections, charitable foundations, competitions, children's media.

Let’s remind that the mission of the .ДЕТИ is not only to combine high-quality Internet content on one website, thus developing the children's Runet, but also to improve the digital culture of children and the youth.

Another important task of the .ДЕТИ is to make children’s online stay comfortable and safe. Countering “malware” on websites operating in the domain is carried out by monitoring unwanted content, which operates around the clock, 365 days a year.

Registering the main or additional address for a website in .ДЕТИ means becoming part of the positive space of the Runet. This is easy to do by contacting one of the registrars accredited in the domain: RU-CENTER, or Webnames.