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Smart Journal gets news sections on safety and talented children


The online edition of The Smart Journal, available on the Smart Internet Foundation website, the administrator of the .ДЕТИ domain, features two new sections: IT Security and Talented Children.

The magazine contains articles, interviews and videos devoted to children’s internet issues, and the growth and development of the .ДЕТИ Cyrillic domain.

The IT Security section offers guidelines to help children have a positive experience online. The section also includes educational videos, infographics and surveys geared toward adolescents, providing an analytical look at cybersecurity and digital literacy in general.

The Talented Children section highlights children and teenagers who have achieved success in information technology and robotics, proving by their example that the internet is not only for entertainment, but also a great tool for self-education and development.

The Articles, Interviews and Industry News sections are also updated regularly with information on beginning internet users, their security and online education.