26.04.2018 | IT-awareness lessons at school |
Specialists of the Smart Internet Foundation held IT-awareness lessons in a Moscow school
02.04.2018 | .ДЕТИ domain safely protected by Netoscope |
Netoscope helps monitor and cut short malicious activity on .ДЕТИ websites
06.03.2018 | .ДЕТИ in Wikipedia |
An article on the children’s domain has been published in the free online encyclopedia.
02.03.2018 | First meeting of the Working Group on Children’s Information Security |
This year’s first meeting of the Working Group on Children’s Information Security was held at the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation.
27.02.2018 | .ДЕТИ domain celebrates its fourth anniversary |
The positive web space for children and their parents celebrates its anniversary.
08.02.2018 | In the CENTR of events |
Deputy Director of the Smart Internet Foundation Irina Daneliya has been re-elected to the Board of Directors of the Council of European National Top-Level Domain Registries (CENTR).
24.01.2018 | Smart Journal gets news sections on safety and talented children |
The children’s internet e-zine features two new important sections, IT Security and Talented Children
19.12.2017 | Results of the Public Council under Russia’s children's rights commissioner |
The Working Group on Children’s Information Security, which includes representatives of the .ДЕТИ domain, was recognized as the most effective of the seven working groups of the Council.
14.12.2017 | Children’s information security trends |
Representatives of the .ДЕТИ domain were invited to take part in the final 2017 meeting of the Working Group on Children’s Information Security
31.10.2017 | Internet security lesson at .ДЕТИ |
The Единыйурок.дети website has tested children’s internet literacy level